
“We understand that we cannot solve the problems related to prenatal alcohol exposure on our own. That’s why working in partnership with others is critical to achieving our goals. These relationships are a key part of the work we do around Australia and we are glad to have partners who understand the importance of this work”.

Anne Russell, Founder, rffada

The Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association (rffada) is a not-for-profit health promotion charity dedicated to ensuring that individuals affected prenatally by alcohol have access to diagnostic services, support and multidisciplinary management planning in Australia and that carers and parents are supported with a “no blame no shame” ethos.

The rffada has proposed a set of eight key goals for the future of FASD prevention and management in Australia:

  1. Diagnostic clinics in every capital city
  2. A national media awareness campaign for the prevention and awareness of FASD
  3. Alcohol and pregnancy education in all high schools
  4. Training implemented for the employees of all services likely to be visited by a person with FASD
  5. To support, educate and care for birth, foster and adoptive parents using a “no blame no shame” ethos
  6. To assist the rffada partners to achieve their aims and objectives in the prevention, education and support of people living with FASD
  7. Early intervention funding; and
  8. Ongoing funding for a paid Executive Officer for the rffada to ensure that its strategic plan over the next three years is achieved

Rffada Patron: The Honourable Dr Sharman Stone Australia’s
Global Ambassador for Women and Girls

Rffada International Patron: Diane V Malbin MSW Fascets Inc, FASD Expert and International Speaker: Vicki Russell – Secretary; Gary Johnson – Treasurer; Dr Jan Hammill – President; Board members – Amanda Mulligan; Sam Pinnell and Dr Dee Basaraba



The rffada vision is to have FASD-specific health, allied health and related services available for all those who require them and to support raising awareness of the consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.


The mission of the rffada is to provide information, training and education to increase the capacity of communities, organisations and individuals to support those people living with FASD to live to their full potential.


Education – Awareness – Support

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pdfrffada Strategic Plan1007.66 KB



Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association

PO Box 6795

Cairns Qld 4870


[email protected]